Updated 7/26/14
2014 Caravan National Chair
They come from miles around...lines of colorful Corvettes, all generations represented, traveling from every continental United State and even a few foreign countries to gather in the Home of the Corvette. 2014 will bring the 5th National Corvette Caravan and will mark the 20th Anniversary of the National Corvette Museum. Leading the spectacle is Paul Mariano of Huntersville, NC, a 20-year Museum member who is not only a lifetime member of the Museum but also a founding member.
Paul is currently the ambassador to the Museum for the Queen City Corvette Club in Charlotte, NC, and previously was the ambassador for the Corvette Club of Santa Barbara, CA. He is a member of the NCRS and was a participant of the Southern California caravan in 1999, co-captain of the Southern California caravan in 2003, and sponsorship/advertising chairman for the 2009 North Carolina / South Carolina / Virginia caravan.
"When Roc Linkov, NCM Events Manager, asked if I would do it, I did have a little trepidation," said Paul. "But as when I agreed to take the Southern California caravan at the last minute, I thought if not me then who? I have such a deep love affair with the museum that I want to contribute as much as I can, wherever I can. Without the great help that my wife Barbara provides, I could not manage to take on any of these caravan tasks. I just hope I can provide the service that everyone has entrusted to me."
Paul is an avid supporter of the National Corvette Museum, the Corvette Race Team and the Corvette lifestyle. He currently owns a 1967 big block coupe Corvette and a 2011 Z06.
The 5th National Corvette Caravan will take place the last week of August, 2014. Regional caravans will form and join other caravans as they travel across the United States to gather in Bowling Green, Kentucky for four days of festivities at the National Corvette Museum. "A national caravan such as this requires years of planning and coordinating and the Museum is fortunate to have a volunteer like Paul to take on this monumental task," stated National Corvette Museum Executive Director, Wendell Strode.
We're excited to have Paul leading this event!
2014 Corvette Caravan - Letter from the Chair
We are now down to just one month to the start of the 20th Anniversary Celebration but most of you will already be on the road to Bowling Green well within that time. It doesn't seem possible this journey began nearly five years ago as the weeks and months have flown by. However, to your captains and their organizing teams, every day is an indelible memory as it brought another task, another hurdle to overcome, or another question to resolve. And they did it through the years with a dedication that can only be imagined. While on the caravans, be sure to take the time to thank your captain for all the time and effort they expended to provide you with this grand experience and visit the caravan sponsors that made it all possible every chance you get. When you arrive at the NCM, show your appreciation to the museum staff and the volunteers for arranging all the activities to keep you entertained for the three days. All of us involved in putting together these events thank all you participants for joining in and making it all possible. I sincerely hope that all the caravans, events, and comradeship you encounter are all you had hoped they would be and you start your planning for 2019 and the Silver Anniversary of the National Corvette Museum. It should be a blast.
Paul Mariano
National Chair
Regional Caravans(click on a region for more information)
There is combined registration for the 20th Anniversary celebration and the National Corvette Caravan.
Click here to Register
Click here for Bowling Green Lodging Availability Updates

Caravan Flag
Now available for $15.00 each.
Contact your captain for ordering information.

Rear Window Static Cling
Now available for $10.00 each.
Contact your captain for ordering information.
A Few Individual Caravan Logos