Updated 9/16/14
Northern California, Nevada, Utah

Download the 2014
NorCal Caravan Story
Updated 7/24/2014

There will be a BBQ dinner for all Caravan participants in Columbia, MO the evening of Aug. 26. You must pre-pay to attend, and I must have the $10/person payment by Aug.1. Many of you have already sent your payment - thank you. If you sent payment and didn't receive confirmation back, let me know.
Yes, there are still seats available for the dinner at the American Automobile Museum in Reno. However the rate has increased to $50/person for late registrants, and I must have payment by Aug.1. As noted below, you do not have to be a Caravan participant to attend.
Don Herzer
PO Box 243
Long Barn, CA 95335
Updated: 4/22/2014
In order to give you a preview of the trip and allow you some time to think about the optional trips/activities, I have posted a PRELIMINARY version of the Route Book. Click on the following to see it:
You will notice that some details are still being worked out - especially the last leg from Columbia into Bowling Green. I hope to have those blanks filled in soon. If all goes well, I plan to give each registrant a hard copy (one per car) at our launch or in Reno/Salt Lake for those joining later. If a guest absolutely must have a copy also, please make arrangements with me by July first.
I have extended the date for the $40/person fee at the National Automobile Museum in Reno our first evening stop until May 31. I highly recommend that you join us. It is a great venue and we are going to have a lot of fun. ANYONE may attend - you do not have to be registered with the Caravan. You are welcome to do a mini-caravan by joining us as we leave CA, come to the dinner, stay at the Atlantis (special group rate), and then watch us leave Reno in the morning.
You may have noticed that the NCM has announced that they will not start restoration work on the Corvettes recovered from the sink hole until after Labor Day. Instead, the damaged cars will be on special display during the Anniversary Celebrations while we are there.
Updated 2/22/2014
Greetings fellow & Potential Caravanners,
A few items to cover with you:
On our first stop in Reno, there will be an optional dinner at the National Automobile Museum. This is a fantastic venue, and even if you have been there before, it is worth another visit, especially with fellow Corvetters.
The Reno Corvette Club will be our host (thanks folks). The cost is $40/person, including Museum entry, dinner, guided tours, and other fun activities. Sorry, but the only expedient way for me to do this is to ask for a check made out to NorCal NCM Caravan 2014 and sent to:
Don Herzer
PO Box 243
Long Barn, CA 95335
Please specify the names of those attending and get it to me prior to May 1. After that, the price will increase to $50/person as long as we have room.
- I have added emails for all who show up as registered in the North CA - North NV - Utah section to the NCM listserver to keep you updated on info. If you did not receive an email from the lstserver (basically this update) on 2/19 please contact me so that we can be sure to stay in touch. (check your junk mail first, though)
Unfortunately things didn't work out for us to get on the track at Miller Motorsports Park. However, our friends in Utah are arranging some fun activities for us in Wendover on our way through. Details to follow.
I think that most of you are aware of this, but the available Corvette Factory Tours during the time we are in Bowling Green filled within a few hours. The factory is holding firm that due to the new factory layout and increased safety concerns, they cannot allow self-guided tours as they did in 2009.
Lastly, in spite of a big hole in the floor at the NCM, the Caravan is definitely still on. They hope to have repairs complete, an impressive new exhibit regarding the sink hole, and the damaged cars restored prior to us getting there.
Updated 9/24/2013
I have sent registered participants in the Northern California - Northern Nevada - Utah section information on hotels along our route. If you didn't receive that info, please let me know. I do not want to post it here, as there is definite exposure of non-participants trying to take rooms blocked for us.
Also, our launch point will be at:
Specialty Sales Classics
300 Chadbourne Road in Fairfield (between Anheiser Busch and Jelly Belly)
We will start activities at 10am to allow folks time to get there, and hop on I80 at noon. I know that some of you are coming from some distance away. If there is enough interest, I can look into getting a group rate at a local hotel????
Updated 1/8/13
This is my third post to the home page for the Northern California - Northern Nevada - Utah section of the 2014 National Corvette Caravan. I am Don Herzer, Publications Director for the Western States Corvette Council (WSCC). Plans have firmed up a little bit since my initial post, but I am open to suggestions.
Please note that even if you are not going all the way to Bowling Green, you are welcome to join in the Caravan out of CA to Reno, as many have done in the past. If you register for the Caravan (see below) or just want to escort us out of Ca., please email me ( ) so that I can add you to the list for our Section.
- Launch: Vaca Valley Corvettes have offered to host the formal launch of our section on Friday Aug. 22, 2014, somewhere in Solano County, thus providing a somewhat central location for No. Cal. Participants. I envision a late morning timing for the launch, so haven't planned on setting up an evening before gathering. If you would like to see that added, please let me know, and if numbers warrant, I will work on that also.
- If numbers/interest warrant, I will work on having a pre-launch gathering in the San Jose area for those coming from the South Bay to caravan to the formal launch point.
- From the launch point, we will head to Reno on I80, with a rest stop (most likely in Rocklin) along the way. I am working on having an optional side trip to the National Automotive Museum in Reno for a tour and dinner Friday evening.
- Saturday, we will head to Salt Lake City.
Our Corvette friends in Utah are working with the Miller Motorsports Park to arrange for us to get on the track for parade lap(s). Didn't work out, so they are working on some fun activities in Wendover to welcome us to Utah.
- On Sunday, we will head to Cheyene, where we will link up with the NW section.
- On Monday, August 25, 2014, we will head to Lincoln, NE, and be treated to a "Welcome to Nebraska" event hosted by the Nebraska Section.
- On Tuesday, we will stage for a visit to the Museum of American Speed and then caravan on to Columbia, Mo.
- The final leg is yet to be worked out as we will have to comply with arranged arrival times at the Museum, but we will travel to Bowling Green and stage for our dramatic entrance.
Registration for both the Caravan and the festivities is now open. Go to:
You may register two people but information must be entered separately - only one name to a field.
- To register a second person, check the 'add a guest' box at the bottom of the registration form
- Registration fees subject to verification of membership status
- Event Credential is printed according to how you enter the information
- Use upper and lower case type as you fill in information so your name is printed with the correct characters
- No refunds issued after Early Registration closing
Early-registration before June 28, 2014 (8:00 am CT) includes:
- Admission to the NCM during the event
- Seminars
- Free Road Tours
- Custom Event credential and lanyard - Shows each activity registered for.
- Commemorative dash plaque and lapel pin
Promotional Materials:
Caravan flags ($15 ea.) and window decals ($10 ea.) are available through Caravan Captains (me), so get your orders in and start helping us promote the 2014 Caravan.
I will be working on blocking sets of rooms at hotels along the route, but I don't expect registration to be available until approximately fall of 2013.
I will be compiling all this and much more into a Route Book that will be available to registered participants Spring 2014.
If you have no idea what going on the Caravan would be like, here is a link to a writeup that I did about the great times we had on the
2009 NorCal portion of the National Corvette Caravan!
If you would like to volunteer to help me in this venture, I would welcome that. I will also be looking for sponsors to help defray some of the costs. You may reach me via:
Don Herzer
NorCal Captain
Please make sure you are signed up to keep current on National Corvette Caravan news: