Updated 6/18/14
New Jersey

Hold The Date, Saturday August 9th - Simeone Museum - Stingray Demo Day, come see an original 1963 Grand Sport in action!
June 2014 Updates
- Miller Garage Tour II Photos
- Simeone Museum Stingray Demo Day, August 9th
- Caravan Route Maps now available
- Corvette Assembly Plant Tours have been awarded
- Find the phrase that pays!
Upcoming Caravan Meet & Greet Events
Saturday August 9th Stingray Demo Day at the Simeone Museum Philadelphia, PA
Attention To The Just Registered Caravaners
If you have just newly registered with the National Corvette Museum with the New Jersey Caravan after the 1st of any given month AND you have not heard from me, please email me at . The NCM only updates the Captains on an average of once per month. So for example; if you signed up with the NCM on Nov. 5th and the NCM update was sent to me on Nov. 1st, I wouldn't see your information until the December update from the NCM.
What To Do Next
#1 - Please forward me via email the the "auto-confirm" email you received from the NCM showing you registered with the NJ Caravan. #2 - Please complete the NJ Caravan Questionnaire and send that information to me. This will get you into my database faster than waiting for the monthly updates from the NCM.
NJ Caravan Questionnaire
Thanks for visiting the home page for the 2014 New Jersey Corvette Caravan. While this page may be listed solely as "New Jersey" we are truly MUCH more than that. A better name might be the New Jersey Regional Caravan, since that is easier to say than NewJerPennslvYorkDelaNovaEngland Caravan!! It doesn't matter where you call home, if you wish to drive with the New Jersey crew and join us on a great adventure all you have to do is sign up! After all "All Roads Lead To Bowling Green"! We plan to have drivers join us from all the neighboring states to include, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New York Islands, Nova Scotia, and parts of New England. This is due in a big part because of our route map; our first planned stop is at the 2014 Corvettes at Carlisle Weekend in Carlisle, PA. The New Jersey Regional Caravan has cars joining our group from over a dozen states across the US, Canadian Provinces, and International Countries. So if your plans for 2014 include Corvettes at Carlisle, you might want to consider traveling with the New Jersey group.
Registration has been open for some time now and don't worry their is still plenty of time for you to join the fun. Just "click" the link below to start the registration process. There is no charge to join the NJ Regional Caravan and if you have any questions or are a bit "computer challenged" just click the "How To Register" title below. It is a document and it explains every mouse click you need to make in order to sign up with the Caravan.
Caravan Events - Place Your Orders Now
The Event Order Form for the events that will be taking place while we travel to Bowling Green is now available. If you have not already done so, please complete your form and return to Jeffrey Duda by July 12th. If you need a copy please email Jeffrey and ask for a copy. This will insure you get to attend the events you wish to while we are on the Caravan.
Hotel Information
We have a variety of hotels booked at every stop on our journey. The hotel booking information has been shared with everyone who is officially signed up with the NCM as a New Jersey Caravaner. Plus as an added security measure all of our hotels are working off of a booking list of approved names, which is provided by the Captain to the hotel. Only those names on the list will be allowed to book at the hotel and they must still provide the group name and password. So once you sign up with the New Jersey Caravan you will be added to my booking list and given the information needed to book your rooms. And yes, we have rooms. While we may not have hundreds of vacant rooms in Bowling Green at this point in time, we do have dozens of rooms in the area and some select rooms in Bowling Green. We have hotels set up in two surrounding towns less than 30 miles from the NCM. Plus we have an unbelievable deal at a world class resort in Nashville, TN; the Gaylord Opryland Resort. This is under an hour drive to the NCM and offers plenty of other, non-Corvette related things to do while you enjoy the time around the NCM.
Registration is NOW OPEN, remember to choose New Jersey!
How To Register
Captains John Jack and Jeffrey "Zipity" Duda have returned to lead the group on the journey, just as we did in 2009. Plus we were a part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration Caravan in 2003, so we love what the Caravan is all about. So keep an eye out for John's 1961 Little Red Corvette or Jeff's Commemorative Edition 2004 Z06. Our Local Leaders include Harry Green, Bob Hamilton, PT Williamson, Mike Cashen, and Steve Garelick, so we are well prepared for the event. Be the first registered NJ Caravaner to email me the subject line "zipity duda" and win a $50 Sunoco gas card. Congratulations to Rudy & Sue Adametz, they won the $50 Sunoco gas card. Keep reading for your chance to win.
Some of the highlights of the New Jersey Regional Caravan are as follows:
- Corvettes at Carlisle Show (we will have reduced or free admission fee for Sunday afternoon).
- We will travel at a relaxed pace, with no marathon times behind the wheel.
- We will driving our Corvettes on a race track as a part of our journey.
- We will have two beautiful nights at a River Boat Casino & Spa Hotel.
- New Jersey will arrive in Bowling Green a day ahead of most other Caravans; given you better access to the NCM exhibits.
- Lots of fun events along the way and once we arrive in Bowling Green.
- We have secured hotels at every stop along our route for our group.

Our travel plans include departing on the morning of Sunday August 24th from various staging points across the region. Our first stop will be Corvettes at Carlisle, where we have reserved parking and enjoy some lunch and our first major driver's meeting at the GM Hospitality Tent. From Carlisle, PA it's off to New Stanton, PA, a short 160-mile trip, and our first overnight. Monday morning we will drive to the Belterra Casino in Florence, Indiana. Two nights at the Belterra Casino & Spa that will include a Dinner & Dancing Reception. Tuesday morning, off to the Speedway - Kentucky Speedway that is! We have rented out the Kentucky Speedway for the private use by the New Jersey Regional Caravan. We will do laps in our Corvettes around the Speedway, lunch will be served and other fun stuff is in the works for this fun filled day. Tuesday night will be a night to relax and enjoy each others company at a Dinner & Dancing Reception followed by some Casino play.
Then on Wednesday morning we will head onto our final destination of Bowling Green, Kentucky and the National Corvette Museum. We are working on coordinating with other Regional Caravans to drive into Bowling Green with a State Police Escort, so our numbers will be even greater than just the New Jersey Region.
Once in Bowling Green the fun doesn't end, we are scheduled to host a BBQ Dinner on Friday evening at one of our host hotels. And we are looking to schedule some other fun events while in Bowling Green to go along with the events the NCM may have planned. Traveling back to New Jersey will begin as early as Saturday afternoon and as late as Sunday afternoon. Local Leaders will lead some back at a fast pace, driving the 12+ hours all on Sunday, while other Local Leaders will make trip over two days, arriving home on Labor Day, Monday September 1st. So it's up to you how quickly you wish to return home, but you will never be left all alone.
Corvette Assembly Plant Tours
At this point in time the scheduling of plant tours for the Corvette Assembly Plant are completely sold out for Wednesday August 27th thru Friday August 29th, 2014. Now DO NOT PANIC...at least not yet. As of november 2013 the main focus of the plant is to produce the Stingrays with no distractions. Remember they are now building the Corvette frames on site, so the former Cadillac XLR area is now used for Corvette frames, so there is a lot more going on at the plant.
There is some slim hope that by August of 2014 the plant will be building Stingrays without any issues and they might open the plant to "Continuous Walking Tours", as they did for the 03 & 09 Caravans.
So, unless you are one of the very lucky few that were able to schedule a tour when the new web site went live (the tours sold out within hours of the site going live) you will not be able to tour the plant unless they open the plant to the continuous walking tours. If things change I will be certain to let you know. Let's hope they make this change to accommodate all those who want a tour.
If you would like to be added to the waiting list for a scheduled tour you may contact the Assembly Plant at
Bowling Green NCM Activities
The schedule of events to be hosted by the NCM during the 20th Anniversary Celebration and the Motorsports Grand Opening has been announced:
2014 NCM 20th Anniversary Celebration Agenda
Motorsport Park Schedule of Events Check back often for updates or sign up for the NCM e-News emails to be kept up to date on everything going on at the Museum. One announcement that has been made is that the un-restored Corvettes recovered from the sinkhole will be on display during our time in Bowling Green. That gives new meaning to the term "Museum Quality!!"
New Jersey Meeting Points
The meeting locations for the Mini-Feeder Caravans that will depart on Sunday August 24th have been determined. These Mini-Feeder Caravans will meet at three locations across the State and travel to the Carlisle Fairgrounds to join up with the rest of the NJ Caravaners who are already in Carlisle for the weekend show. Contact Jeff for more details on exact departure times. Phrase that pays, the first Caravaner to email me with the subject line, send me a blanket, I will ship them a free NJ Caravan blanket, like the one pictured below from the Miller Garage Tour. Congratulations to Esther Kersten of the Netherlands for being the first NJ Caravaner to email me "Send Me A Blanket". She will be receiving a free NJ Caravan blanket. Keep reading for your next chance to win at the Phrase That Pays Game! If you would like a hotel at any of these locations for Saturday night that can be arranged as well. Each location has a sit down restaurant available to have some coffee and eggs before the trip to Carlisle. You will arrive in Carlisle by 10:30am, so that is plenty of time to relax before the first scheduled Driver's Meeting at Noon at the GM Hospitality Tent/NCM Caravan Tent.
North Jersey
Cracker Barrel at 14 Frontage Road Clinton, NJ 08809
Central Jersey
Cracker Barrel at 825 Marketplace Blvd. Hamilton, NJ 08691
South Jersey
Bob Evans at 601 Fellowship Road Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
New Jersey Regional Caravan Itinerary
Friday & Saturday August 22nd & 23rd
Corvettes at Carlisle Weekend Show
Sunday August 24th
Multiple local Caravan meeting areas across the region
Rendezvous all local Caravans at Carlisle Show for lunch
First official NJ Driver's Meeting on the fairgrounds
Depart Corvettes at Carlisle as a group at 2:00pm
Travel to & Overnight in New Stanton, PA
Monday August 25th
Depart New Stanton, PA
Rest Stop at Cabela's Outdoor Shop
Travel to & Overnight in Florence, IN
First Class Accommodations at Belterra Riverboat Casino
Tuesday August 26th
"Get Your Motor Running"
Private Track Rental at Kentucky Speedway
Drive your Corvette on the racetrack with professional assistance
Corvette Caravan Dinner & Dancing Reception at Belterra Casino
Key Note Speaker Wil Cooksey Former Corvette Plant Manager
Overnight at the Belterra Casino
Wednesday August 27th
Depart Belterra Casino
Connect with other Regional Caravans 30 miles outside Bowling Green, KY
Kentucky State Police Escort into National Corvette Museum
Arrive in Bowling Green by Noon
Overnight in Bowling Green, KY thru Sunday 8/31
Thursday August 28th
Variety of NCM Events & NJ Events to be determined for the weekend
NCM Lifetime Members Dinner
Friday August 29th
NCM Ambassadors Luncheon
NJ Regional Caravan Outdoor Barbeque Dinner
NCM 2014 Hall of Fame Dinner
Saturday August 30th
NCM Events To Be Determined
Sunday August 31st & Monday September 1st
Travel Back to New Jersey Region
Events subject to change, current as of 1/14

Summit Point Touring Sessions
August 25, 2014
Please be sure to take a look at the merchandise that is available from the New Jersey Caravan, and most of it can be customized with your home State. So if you are from you can order a shirt that says Pennsylvania Caravan, or New England, or Nova Scotia, or Long Island, well you get the point. Check out the New Jersey Merchandise Catalog.
Plus, for more information check out the Frequently Asked Questions link below or the link for the 2014 Calendar of Events. Also check the listing below of where in the Region you can Meet & Greet the New Jersey Caravan Crew at various events in 2013.
Caravan Get Together Number 1 Information - April 13, 2013
New Jersey Regional Caravan 2014 Frequently Asked Questions
Also catch up on the past information on the Quarterly Newsletters, linked at the bottom of this page.
2014 New Jersey Regional Corvette Caravan
2014 Meet & Greet Calendar
Saturday June 14th |
Miller Garage Tour of the Miller's Family Corvette Collection; Carlisle, PA |
Thur-Sun August 21st-24th |
Corvettes at Carlisle Weekend Show; Carlisle, PA |
Follow the 2014 New Jersey Caravan on our Facebook page for updates too:
Check out the newest information on the Corvette Caravan provided by the National Corvette Museum.
Look closely and you will see one of our own; New Jersey Local Leader Harry Green's Silver C6 Convertible featured on the cover!

Kerbeck Stingray Introduction Event Recap
On Saturday October 19th, 2013 the Country's largest Corvette dealership hosted the New Jersey Corvette Caravan for a private in depth introduction to the the 2014 Corvette Stingray. Dave Salvatore, the Corvette Sales Manager, spent over an hour discussing the entire vehicle with our group. It was an exciting day as many new Stingrays were being delivered while we where there. Below are some photos from the day - check out all the Stingrays in the parking lot!
Miller Family Garage Tour
NJ Caravan at the Atlantic City Classic Car Show & Auction
"Ask the NJ Caravan to come to a Corvette Show near you"
Go Karts Recap from February 22nd
We had over 40 people join us for fun and good spirited racing. We are doing a second event on Saturday April 26th, so mark your calendars to attend.
NJ Caravan booth at Corvettes at Carlisle

First Place Auto, Meguiar’s and AAA Mid Atlantic Detail Day Recap March 30th 2014
Phil and Val from First Place Auto came out to AAA Mid Atlantic to teach our Caravaners how to properly detail a car. Answering questions on clay bar, polishes, waxes and showing first hand how to use a power Porter Cable random orbital buffer.
Rails & Rods Show 2014 Recap
The New Jersey Corvette Caravan was out to support the show and here are some photos from the event. Look for some of these Corvettes on the Caravan in August!
2014 Miller Family Garage Tour, hosted by Lance Miller in Carlisle, PA
Proceeds from the tours has allowed the New Jersey Corvette Caravan to donate over $1,000 to the Chip Miller Charitable Foundation to raise awareness to Amyloidosis!!!
Caravan Sponsors
The New Jersey Corvette Caravan would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous support of our journey. Please contact Jeffrey Duda for additional sponsorship opportunities.
Supporting Corvette Clubs
Caravan Supporters
Local Leaders

Mike Cashen

Bruce Cenicola

Steve Garelick

Harry Green

Bob Hamilton

Joel Klein

PT Williamson
Please stay tuned for additional information as it develops.
As always, your friends, Jeff and John,
John Jack & Jeffrey Duda
New Jersey Captains
Please make sure you are signed up to keep current on National Corvette Caravan news: